The True Meaning of a Father and Gift Ideas That Dad Will Surely Enjoy
Reading Time: 5 Minutes
In a Final Call Newspaper article, titled, The Meaning of Father, from a 2001, message, by The Honorable Minister Louis, he explains the meaning of a father. He states the following, “All praise belongs to Allah (God), the Lord, Nourisher, Sustainer of all the worlds.” So do not do your good deeds, dad, seeking praise or seeking honor. Do good because it is right to do good" (Farrakhan, 2017).
"When the father comes into the house and there is an argument, put it on the table without favoritism. I cannot favor my wife. I cannot favor my elder son. I cannot favor the baby. I have to come straight with justice, because I represent God in my house" stated the minister.
Lastly, the article concludes with the minister teaching fathers that "When you look at your children, thank Allah (God) for the women or the woman that bore your sons or your daughters. Be kind to them and help them in rearing your children. Think about the son or the daughter that you brought into this world that you have not even communicated with in years. Write your children if they are away from you, and do not be too proud to say, “Son, I have been wrong.” There is nothing wrong with that. Do you know your children will love you more if you could muster the courage to say, “Daddy was wrong, but I intend to make it right and I hope you will forgive me for not being to you as I should. You have got to start making amends. You have got to start reconciling. You have got to start opening up to your children" (Farrakhan, 2017).
Tip: Here is a list of a few book gift ideas that ever father will enjoy:
1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 30th Anniversary Edition
Shop: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 30th Anniversary Edition
2. The Mathematics of the Mind
Shop: The Mathematics of the Mind
3. The Pot Plot: Marijuana, Hip Hop and the Scientific Assault on Black America
Shop: The Pot Plot: Marijuana, Hip Hop and the Scientific Assault on Black America
4. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present
5. Black People Invented Everything: The Deep History of Indigenous Creativity
Shop: Black People Invented Everything: The Deep History of Indigenous Creativity
Farrakhan, L. (2017). The meaning of father. The Final Call Newspaper.