Photo Credit: Attorney Warren F. Muhammad
Reading Time: 5 Minutes
In my interview with Attorney Warren F. Muhammad, he shares with me an inspiring story behind his book, See the Win: Get the Win. He discusses how his book provides the principles and step- by-step analysis that can lead to success in any endeavor. The reader will learn what a Win is and how to identify it for themselves and Get It.
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?
Warren F. Muhammad: My name is Warren Fitzgerald Muhammad, the son of Warren Fitzgerald, Sr., and Gloria O’shea Fitzgerald. My family and close friends call me Chappie, the name of my maternal grandfather. I was born and reared in the historic Acres Home
community in Northwest Houston. I have a BA degree in History and a Juris Doctorate from Thurgood Marshall School of Law. I have owned and operated my own law practice since 1979, having practiced Litigation, Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Law, Entertainment Law and Criminal Defense among other legal matters, for over four decades. I love music, play the guitar, and I love the martial arts, obtaining my black belt in Taekwondo, and I am currently a practitioner of Tai Chi. I am a registered member in the Nation of Islam.
Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your book, See the Win: Get the Win?
Warren F. Muhammad: Through my various life experiences, I have observed firsthand many individuals involved in various scenarios who have the opportunity to attain success only to not recognize the opportunity at hand and secure the victory. We all have the capacity to be successful if we know what success looks like and how to attain it. I wanted to share my experiences with others so that we may all live a life of success and contentment.
Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us the details of what your book is about?
Warren F. Muhammad: Through my training and practical experience as a trial lawyer and legal strategist, I have had to develop the skill of formulating a goal and strategy to obtain a win and be able to implement it. I believe there are certain principles that can lead to winning, and I wanted to share these principles and real-life experiences so that others may “See the Win and Get The Win" using the skills I developed in Goal Setting, Seeing the Desired Outcome then working back to the beginning in a step-by-step fashion. I give the principles of winning and relate real-life examples from my legal career that demonstrate the application of these principles.
Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your book, and how will their lives be transformed?
Warren F. Muhammad: This book will provide the principles and step-by-step analysis that can lead to success in any endeavor. The reader will learn what a Win Is and how to identify it for themselves and Get It. It will lead to a life of self-satisfaction in knowing that you have achieved a Win defined by your own standards regardless of others opinions. It is a book of self-fulfillment, becoming your best self, based on scientific and mathematical principles that leave the guesswork out of Winning.
Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore, Nation's Products, and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community, send an email to nlmeconomicdevelopmentservices@gmail.com