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Special Saviours' Day Author Spotlight Interview with Medina Mohammed

Photo Credit: Medina Mohammed

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Happy Saviours' Day!

What a wonderful way to celebrate the season of Saviours' Day than to have the opportunity to interview Sister Medina Mohammed, the daughter of Sister Burnsteen Sharrieff Muhammad, who was the one and only secretary of Master Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam! I feel blessed beyond measure to share this interview with you all. Sister Medina discusses with me in the interview how if one wanted to learn how the Nation of Islam began, they would learn this through the letters that are within the book. The reader will learn more about the one and only secretary/reformer of Master Fard Muhammad, as she begins her journey in her service and many sacrifices for her faith as an example of love, dedication, loyalty, and devotion and as a hard worker for the cause of freedom, justice, and equality for a cause bigger than herself for the love of her people.

Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?

Medina Mohammed: I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, born to Muslim parents and pioneers of the Nation of Islam. My father, John Muhammad, was the youngest brother to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, my mother Burnsteen Sharrieff Muhammad, the one and only secretary of Master Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam. I was born into a family of 14 siblings: eight boys and six girls. I am the sixth girl, the youngest, and the 13th child. I attended the Muslim school, the Muhammad’s University of Islam, from which I also graduated. I pursued college in the studies of mental health, as well as business and accounting, although I ended up in the food world, managing food service restaurants, and became a restaurant owner. I am an author and a member of the Nation of Islam historical exhibit team. I love counseling and helping people. I love socializing and conversing with people. Some of my hobbies are traveling, music, dance, photography, cooking, public speaking, fashion, and enjoying friends and family.

Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your book, The Reformer: Wisdom Revealed to Me by Master Fard Muhammad, the Founder of the Nation of Islam

Medina Mohammed: You asked, what is my motivation for this book? My answer is SHARE. I see the importance of this history for our people, especially members of the Nation of Islam. Many do not know about the reformer. They didn’t know that the founder of the Nation of Islam had a secretary, and she was 17 years old when she started working in this capacity. My Muslim family especially did not know she existed, so it was time to share this information with the Nation of Islam first and then with the world. 

I introduced her in 2011 with the first book speaking about her. It was a booklet, actually, as an introduction of her that stated some of her experiences typing and working for the founder of the Nation of Islam. It’s a very powerful booklet. I felt that now it’s time for some more knowledge about The Reformer Burnsteen Sharrieff Muhammad, a title given to her by Master Fard Muhammad.

Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us the details of what your book is about?

Medina Mohammed: Without revealing too much about the book, I don’t want to spoil the readers experience, so I will say this: the book is an experience that you will not get from any other book about the history of the early days of the beginning of the Nation of Islam, and this information comes firsthand from someone who was there from the beginning. You will read historical literature never seen publicly. It is actual letters of communication between the founder of the Nation of Islam and his personal secretary, to whom he gave the title of The Reformer.

Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your book, and how will their lives be transformed?

Medina Mohammed: The reader will see and learn in-depth knowledge of the role of the Muslim woman. As you read, you will see the heavy spiritual side of The Reformer and the spiritual side of the seven training units that are specifically for all females, both young and old, in the nation of Islam. However, this learning in this book is not just for females because it is on the spiritual side, which makes it for both males and females. Also, in this book, if one wanted to learn how the Nation of Islam began, they would learn this through the letters. The reader will learn more about the one and only secretary/reformer as she begins her journey in her service and many sacrifices for her faith as an example of love, dedication, loyalty, and devotion and as a hard worker for the cause of freedom, justice, and equality for a cause bigger than herself for the love of her people for a time that will come in the future, and that time is now.

Transformed, we use the word transformed because once the reader reads all this information and the learning from this information and the examples of these first Nation of Islam Muslims, it will change the way you view yourself. You may ask yourself, What am I doing to help today? This book is clear about how we should be as a person and as a person in the faith and belief in the one God and his messengers. This book is a teaching that you have never heard before. So as you read and consume its contents, a teaching that you get changes you from before and therefore transforms you into a better person, a better Muslim, a better human being. At least this is the intention. This woman, as a teenager, 17 years old, worked and was formed and molded by a man God was in. So what she has to say has to be heard and read. You can’t get this type of knowledge anywhere else!


To get copies of The Reformer Wisdom Revealed to me from Master Fard Muhammad, Founder of the Nation of Islam, for your home library or as a gift to friends and family for Saviours' Day, use the following link:

Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore, Nation's Products, and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community, send an email to 


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