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How To Use WordPress To Create A Blog for Your Business Course

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Coursera partners with more than 300 leading universities and companies to bring flexible, affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. They offer a range of learning opportunities—from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates and degree programs (Coursera, 2024)

On their platform, Coursera offers a course that teaches learners how to use WordPress to create a blog for their business. By the end of this course, you will create a blog site with a home page and initial blog post using a free content management system, WordPress. You will be able to create a business blog with the look and feel of a website complete with options for e-commerce plugins. You’ll have a virtual space to showcase your business with customers who want to stay connected (Coursera, 2024). Enroll today in this Use WordPress to create a blog for your business project-based course today!

Skills you'll practice:

  • content management
  • Website Management
  • blog

Register and enroll today in this project-based course today!

Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore, Nation's Products, and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community, send an email to 



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