Interview with Author, Georgina Muhammad
Photo Credit: Georgina Muhammad
In my interview with author, Georgina Muhammad, she shared with me her inspiring story behind her book, English Lesson No. C1 Dictionary.
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?
Georgina Muhammad: I was born in Seattle, Washington and grew up in the Pacific Northwest. I am in the Nation of Islam today because of a prayer. I was at St. Andrews in Portland, Oregon and the father (Coleman) mentioned in the last days there would be false prophets and worshippers. When I heard that, I kneeled down on the pew and said, “If this is not my true God, get me to where he is.” The next day as I was going to my next class, I passed a brother wearing a suit, bow tie and a “I Love Farrakhan” button, the letters were in red on a white background. When I saw the button I asked Brother Terrence X, “Where do I sign up?” He told me to call Sis Kathy and she will come and pick me up for MGT Class. He wrote her name and number down for me and told me to “Call her!” I did exactly that. Sis Kathy came to pick me up for MGT Class and I went to my very first meeting in the basement of her and Bro Darius’ home. They lived on Wygant or Going off of MLK Jr. The rest is history…..I have been married to Bro Eric since 1996. We have 5 children all of whom I homeschooled, and now I have 1 grandchild. I moderate The Open Mic Study Line…. Wow, I could really go on with this question.
Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your book, English Lesson No. C1 Dictionary?
Georgina Muhammad: Throughout the years of homeschooling and being a mom. I was very proud that my children knew how to recite English Lesson No. C1 at a very young age. (smile and bow). But when we read in the Original Rules of Instructions To The Laborers #8 in part reads “Spelling must be used by all Muslim girls and mothers to their children for Bedtime Study, also in regular Courses/” Bedtime study, not recitation. Oh my, I’ve had a misunderstanding for quite a while. When I look at the word “study” and think about what it means, I think about the parts of speech and what they mean. I think about how the word is being used in the context of English Lesson No. C1.
Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us what your book is about?
Georgina Muhammad: My book defines every word in English Lesson No. C1, in the context of the lesson, It includes the definition of the word English.(smile).Most of the words defined have a picture and each picture has a example sentence of the word. In the front of the book, it lists the parts of speech, It has a list of words for each part of speech and an example sentence highlighting the word/par of speech being used. It has more useful information as well.

Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from your book, and how will their lives be transformed?
Georgina Muhammad: I think the benefits vary. If they are using it for instruction, review, or Bedtime Study, it reinforces what we are supposed to know. This book improves learning the English language, and the comprehension of it. The parts of speech, the meaning of words, how the word is used in a sentence, and it has pictures that both children and parents will love. Lives will be transformed because we now have a useful tool in one book that can serve a variety of purposes. We can learn the meaning of words and the parts of speech along with our children we can quiz one another and identify how a word is being used in another sentence. I’m hoping this book will make learning fun.
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