NATIONSPRODUCTS.COM ~ Independent Online Family Book Store- Hundreds of Books by Black Authors

Interview with Author, Stephanie Idio

Photo Credit: Stephanie Idio

Reading Time: 5 Minutes
In my interview with author Stephanie Idio, she shared with me the inspiring story behind her volume of Color Africa books that promotes literacy and language learning about the different countries in Africa, their capital, region, and wildlife. 
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself? 
Stephanie Idio: I am a multifaceted professional with a diverse career spanning law, finance, banking, education, business consulting, international trade and, manufacturing, and my latest venture in the realm of hair and beauty. My entrepreneurial journey ignited in 2015 upon relocating to China, where I began educating young learners. Motivated by a desire to provide and  to teach more educational literature about Africa, Stephanie began creating.
Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for creating Color Africa: Educational Children's Coloring Book?
Stephanie Idio: There is a lack of educational literature about the African continent and, more recently, the parade of book bans that teach Black history and presence in public schools.
Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us the details of what your coloring book is about?



Stephanie Idio: It is a coloring book that features African geography and teaches about the different countries.

Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that children will obtain from using your coloring book, and how will their lives be transformed?

Stephanie Idio: It will teach them about geography, animals, regions, and allow creative expression through coloring. There are some additional questions at the back of the book for teachers or users.
To build your children's home library with a copy of Stephanie Idio's Color Africa: Educational Children's Coloring Book, use the following link:

Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore, Nation's Products, and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community, send an email to 

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