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Interview with Author, Candice Muhammad

Photo Credit: Candice Muhammad

I was blessed with an opportunity to interview former mechanical engineer and now author, Candice Muhammad. She shared with me the story behind her books: The ABC's of Occupations: Handwriting Workbook  and picture book
Also, she discussed how she created her books to promote healthy positive images so that children can see and believe they can be more than just an athlete. 

Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself? 

Candice Muhammad: I am a married mother of 3 children (17, 15, 13). I have a degree in mechanical engineering from Vanderbilt University and worked as an engineer for 10 years in the aerospace industry before venturing into entrepreneurship. I have been a tutor for over 30 years-- started tutoring when I was in middle school and never stopped. I’ve had my hand in education for years from substitute teaching to tutoring.  In my "free time" I enjoy watching my children compete in baseball tournaments. 

Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your books? 

Candice Muhammad: I homeschooled my children for a little while and realized there are very few, if any, images of blacks as anything other than a basketball player or a football player. We ask our children to engage in learning and yet they don't SEE themselves in the material we are asking them to learn.

Representation is important- when you can connect to the material you are bound to learn quicker and retain the information better. And we need to catch our youths' interest early so that they have a good foundation. 

Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us what your books are about? 

Candice Muhammad: My books and educational resources are academic supplements. Often, our children are asked to engage in learning but they never see images of people that look like them. How can you connect to material if you don't see yourself in the picture? Its so much easier to believe you can, when you see images that show you can! 

I created the books and flashcards to promote healthy, positive images so that children can see and believe they can be more than just an athlete.  The occupations chosen for the book were carefully selected based on cognitive research and reading readiness. The images chosen for the books were carefully selected to show the diverse beauty we have as a culture, to promote that you can be whatever you want when you put your mind to it, and to showcase that our talents go beyond athletics. The picture book asks critical thinking questions that allow students to use their imagination, think outside of the box, and open up to new ideas and possibilities. The questions prompt the student to research more and learn about each occupation. The handwriting workbook, clearly shows pencil placement and provides guidance on writing letters-- something many children are lacking now because of technology. There are also activities that promote sound and letter connections. The handwriting book promotes motor skills and writing mechanics.  (The Picture book and The handwriting workbook work hand in hand- repetition of the images was done on purpose, as a way of reinforcing the images and show that we can be anything) There are also flashcards available for those that need a more hands on approach. 

Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your book, and how will their lives be transformed?  

Candice Muhammad: Let’s catch our children while they are young!! Make learning exciting for them!! Let them Connect to what they are learning!!

Learners will see themselves in the pages. They will see people that look like them. When a student is able to connect to material they absorb and retain the information better.  

They will look forward to learning their ABCs and it will open up ideas on what they can be as they get older, what service they would like to provide to others. Many children only know about a doctor or a lawyer.... these books open up a world of other occupations and ask questions that prompt them to research and see what each occupation really entails. 

To build your children's library with Candice Muhammad's workbook use the following link:

Also, to get a copy of her book, The ABC's of Occupations: Picture Book

use the following link:



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