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Interview with Author, Colette Muhammad

Photo Credit: Colette Muhammad
In my interview with Colette Muhammad,  she shared with me the story behind her book, What is Canning: Simplified?
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?
Colette Muhammad: My name is Sister Colette Muhammad. Over the last five years I have been a stay at home mom. Doing EVERYTHING  and wearing many titles, which include wife, mother, grandmother, homeschooler, and entrepreneur to name a few. I am also a registered member of the Nation of Islam under the leadership of The Honorable Minister Farrakhan. My entrepreneurism stemmed from my love and dedication to home canning for myself and others. After learning how to home can my own food in my Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class, I had a long yearning to teach this to others, particularly the Black, Brown and inner-city communities and so I went to work.
I started off by building my brand and reputation on social media which currently has over 60,000 followers combined on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and Youtube (I can be found @canningwithcolette or @SisterColette on these platforms).
I must say, my platforms are not like the other canning platforms you might see, in that I have a lot of fun being myself, making funny and engaging content, while educating at the same time. I specialize in helping to remove the fear, anxiety, apprehension and procrastination that many of us have regarding learning to home can their own food. The person you see on social media is pretty much who I am…just your Sister by Nature.
Nadine Muhammad:  What is your motivation for writing your book?
Colette Muhammad: Although home canning is definitely a scientific method of food preservation, it is also quite simple and nothing to be afraid of, which was my motivation behind writing the book.
Nadine Muhammad: Would you  tell us what your book is  about?
Colette Muhammad:  In this book,  it describes what canning is in a direct and simple way that I believe most people can relate to and appreciate. My book is more of an introduction to canning and not a tutorial.
I think it is important to understand what canning is in the first place and how it can benefit the reader before jumping into the tutorial.  I not only describe what canning is, I explain how it works, the different methods of canning, many benefits of canning and what equipment is needed to get started. There’s even a bonus strawberry jam recipe included!
Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your book, and how will their lives be transformed? 
Colette Muhammad: After reading my book the reader will see the simplicity of canning and be inspired to learn more about canning and avail themselves of my various canning educational services in order to get the hands-on experience of canning. In no time the reader will begin to develop their own personal pantry one jar at a time, saving money on their grocery bill, eating a healthier fast food and maintaining food security. My motto is “Can while you can.”

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