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Interview with Author, Dr. Missey Muhammad


Photo Credit: Dr. Missey Muhammad

In my interview with author, Dr. Missey Muhammad she shared with me the story behind her books MPOWER - Insights to Empower Women and Girls and THE DIVINE MIND’S D.E.F.A.U.L.T SYSTEM: (OPERATION RESET).

Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?

Dr. Missey Muhammad: I am Dr. Missey Muhammad, and it's a pleasure to speak with you, Sister Nadine. First, I would like to say that I am married to St. Assistant Minister Victor Saadiq Abdul Muhammad, my soulmate, best friend and I am a registered member of the Nation of Islam. Together, we have seven children and three grandchildren. By Allah's (God's) Grace and Mercy, I am currently the Local Student M.G.T. Captain in Detroit, Michigan. I am filled with immense gratitude and love for the opportunity to serve and assist in the training of women and girls in the Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization classes. Collaborating within this incredible Sisterhood, filled with the women and girls in the M.G.T. class has been a great source of inspiration and joy for me. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Student National M.G.T. Captain, Sister Naeemah Muhammad for her hardwork and the opportunity to serve in the capacity of Student M.G.T. Captain. The Spiritual and Moral Developmental Training from the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as well as the Muslim Girls Training and General Civilization classes, assisted me in developing restorative practices, in the context of understanding my value, my morals, my ethics, and a connection to a spiritually higher purpose with Master Fard Muhammad. With a wealth of experience, I have completed the courses required for my Doctorate of Management in Organizational Leadership (DM), and I have multiple awards and certifications in various training fields. I also hold a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and a Masters degree (MBA) in Business Administration. Working with individuals, teams, and organizations to help them refocus, revitalize, restructure and reposition themselves, in order to increase performance and productivity has always been my purpose. As an Organizational Leadership Development consultant, my job involves tackling problems related to resource management, in an organization that impacts service delivery, compliance, and performance. Inshallah, I pray that my training and experience will enable me to carry on developing strategic models, for issues related to organizational interventions, change/crisis management, and interpersonal dynamics using leadership. In addition to conducting training and developmental workshops in the corporate sector, I have over 20 years of experience as a corporate business consultant. As an Outreach Coordinator, I supported outreach initiatives, gave leadership support, and served as an "Ambassador" for a novel Human Services pilot project that offered continuous support in the Detroit metropolitan community. One of my favorite quotes is from Einstein, "In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity.” Prior to coming to the Nation, I worked as a Professional Development Consultant (Train the Trainer) on women's issues and empowerment, for The Professional Woman Network (PWN), a diverse national and international consulting network. I was a member of the network for fifteen years and served on their International Speakers Bureau. I created and tailored training workshops for individuals, corporations, associations, and colleges after learning about a broad spectrum of women's challenges. A key component of Personal Development, (Awareness Sessions) assist participants in getting closer to developing self-confidence, and the capacity to present a positive image, using mindfulness exercises/techniques, journaling for self-reflection and other resources strategies/skills. I am grateful for every opportunity to strive to be a better and stronger individual each day despite trials, hardships, challenges and frustrations. With the help from my husband and in the midst of some of my serious difficulties (past psychological injury due to domestic abuse, trauma) and trials, was the opportunity for me to learn “real” self-knowledge, striving to heal. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said when asked, “What is the purpose for Knowledge?  He answered, “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that the purpose for knowledge is to feed the development of the human being until that human grows into divine and becomes a true manifestation of the characteristics of God. If the purpose of knowledge is to evolve man into a true manifestation of God, then the hunger for knowledge is a natural desire in the human being that should never be frustrated.” This guidance ignited something within me, like a light, and it fueled my desire to comprehend my own strength. Greater power comes from greater understanding! What truly warms my heart is the passion and determination that we all exhibit when pursuing our dreams. Each one of us is a testament to the incredible potential within, waiting to be unleashed. I believe in our abilities, our strength, and the impact that we can have on the world. Teaching and training isn't just a profession for me; it's a calling to nurture, empower, and inspire. The bond we all share goes beyond the classroom. It's a connection built on trust, respect, and a shared commitment to learning and growth. Interestingly enough, I believe our thirst for self knowledge, and the resilience that many of us show in the face of serious challenges and difficulties, gives us all unique perspectives that brings each of us to the learning environments that can make every day life a more rewarding experience. Witnessing our growth, both academically and personally, can be nothing short of inspiring and absolutely, without a doubt, God sent. 

Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your books?

Dr. Missey Muhammad: “MPower: Insights for Women and Girls” was not originally intended to be a book. I have been an author writing and compiling articles for an online magazine since 2009, based on some of the most personal and professional development topics. I shared some of the articles with one of our pioneers, Sister Ruby Muhammad, and she was the first person to suggest that I compile the articles in a book for discussion purposes. Over the years, after numerous discussions with friends and clients, many had suggested that I compile the articles into a book. I have had online magazines reach out for permission to print some of the articles for their magazines such as “Women and the Smoke and Mirror Effect” and “Domestic A.B.U.S.E.- (Actions Behind Using Some Excuse).” I wanted to also bear witness to how self knowledge is powerful for healing purposes. The restorative practices, in the context of the spiritual and moral developmental training from the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, personally, were critical. It was critical because they involved The Teachings and the M.G.T & G.C.C. training (units), activities and approaches that helped me to restore and enhance my connection to my spiritual beliefs and values, as well as promote my moral growth and ethical behavior. This was my personal journey and my search for truth, but individuals may find different practices that resonate with them. I believe it is important to explore and adapt practices in a way that aligns with one's own beliefs, values, and experiences. It might entail investigating one's moral compass, values, and relationship to a greater good. Developing virtues like compassion, love, integrity, and a sense of duty to oneself and others is frequently the goal of this kind of training. 

“The Divine Mind’s D.E.F.A.U.L.T (Disconnecting Effectively From All Useless Low Thinking) System: Operation Reset” In 2021, during the Holy Month of Ramadan, I was strongly inspired after watching this documentary called, “The Social Dilemma” and a drama movie called “Disconnect” and felt compelled to write this book to be used for awareness purposes of a system of technological programming that is designed to consume our time, gain our attention and control our minds. We must be made aware of the scientific control systems being used to keep all of us (users) connected and addicted to cyberspace. I share in this book some of the scientific control systems that are placed in the social media dynamic that I believe many individuals may find intriguing. 

Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us what your books are about?

Dr. Missey Muhammad: “MPOWER -Insights to Empower Women and Girls” is a personal development compilation of articles designed to empower, bring awareness and also personal perspectives about different female issues.These articles were written in an effort to create critical thinking, crucial conversations and discussions so that women and girls can address, access and resolve relatable issues.The MPOWER book is also a personal testimonial of my search for knowledge and understanding which began with awareness training sessions and the search for spiritual and moral development training.  

“The Divine Mind D.E.F.A.U.L.T.  (Disconnecting Effectively From All Useless Low Thinking) SYSTEM:Operation Reset” is a book that highlights the compelling account of how social media programming and other manipulative tactics can hijack our minds in a way that is not conducive to our mental health and morality. Operation Reset is important! We must become aware of the poisons or viruses contained in our mindsets from these programs to help us disconnect, return to our Divine Mind and understanding. We must permit our thoughts to be positively higher in energy and frequency which would permit us to experience peace, tranquility, and life more abundantly as promised by our Creator. To reconnect with our lives, we have to disconnect from certain things that are not helping our growth and development. Let us become knowledgeable of some of the threats to our mental health so we can have a stronger spiritual connection with one another and with our Divine Creator.

Nadine Muhammad:  What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your books, and how will their lives be transformed?

Dr. Missey Muhammad: With “MPOWER -Insights to Empower Women and Girls,”I believe specific benefits can vary, based on which article an individual may resonate with related to the different messages and conversations discussed, so finding the right article in this book that aligns with one's values and goals is key to experiencing some transformative benefits. For example, benefits could include: Increased Self-Confidence: The reader may gain a better understanding of their strengths and capabilities. Enhanced Resilience: The reader may learn to bounce back from setbacks and face adversity with greater strength. Clarity of Goals: The reader may develop a better sense of direction and purpose in their lives. Increased Motivation: Whether it's pursuing personal or professional goals, the reader may find themselves more motivated and driven. Personal Growth: The reader may evolve, learn more about themselves, and continually strive for self-improvement. Empowerment in Adversity: The reader may develop a resilient mindset to navigate tough times. Our lives can be transformed if we continue to learn. We are striving to develop and become more knowledgeable about ourselves, more secure with ourselves, and more productive women, sisters, daughters, girls, citizens of the community, the Nation and the whole world. Finding our power in life can force us or move us to challenge ourselves into thinking bigger, loving deeper, and living out a peaceful existence as we were designed to live by our Creator.  

The reader will benefit from “The Divine Mind D.E.F.A.U.L.T.  (Disconnecting Effectively From All Useless Low Thinking) SYSTEM:Operation Reset” book because the readers will become aware of the poisons or viruses contained in our mindsets from these programs. This awareness is necessary to help us disconnect and return to the Divine understanding, the original power of our minds, therefore giving us back control of the types of thoughts and behaviors that reflect high civilization that is conducive to the Divine Mind’s Intelligence. There is a war taking place right before our eyes. Divine Intelligence versus Artificial Intelligence. There is a struggle for balance. Who will win the war? There are scientific control systems being used to keep us (users) connected to social media that we may be unaware of. The reader will be able to distinguish the good that social media offers versus the manipulation of data that can be harmful to our mental health. Operation Reset is important!

Dr. Missey Muhammad: Thank you so much for your time and support! Much Love!

Nadine Muhammad: You're welcome, my sister, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to share with me the story behind your books. Love and Peace.

To build your home library with Dr. Missey Muhammad's book MPOWER - Insights to Empower Women and Girls use the following link:

Also to get a copy of her book THE DIVINE MIND’S D.E.F.A.U.L.T SYSTEM: OPERATION RESET use the following link:


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