Interview with Author, Tia Spells
Photo Credit: Tia Spells
In my interview with author Tia Spells, she shared with me the story behind her book, What Will I Be When I Grow Up?: I CAN BE ANYTHING!
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?
Tia Spells: I would like your readers to know that I am a proud mother of three very accomplished children. My oldest daughter graduated from the University of Santa Barbara. She writes for MARVEL and has been a writer for NETFLIX. My middle daughter graduated from Sacramento State University with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice. She is a former State and Regional champion in gymnastics, a published author, and actress. My youngest is on track to earning his degree, a phenomenal athlete that formed a recording duo with my middle daughter called Tw!n Cannon$. I manage their recording group and they host a music competition shown called NEXT UP which is coming to a streaming platform near you very soon. I personally am a black belt in Kung fu and a blue belt in Wushu and I yield 9 weapons. I was also a personal trainer for over 30 . I enjoy riding horseback, hang gliding, kayaking, jet skiing, sky diving, archery, trampolines, etc. I am definitely an adventure junkie.
Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your book?
Tia Spells: There were a few things that motivated me to start writing. I wanted to teach my children to be entrepreneurs. I wanted them to provide jobs rather than have to compete for them. I wanted them to build a career around something they loved so it didn’t feel like work. Another major motivation was my beloved father, may he RIP. He was a teacher for 40 years and his methods of teaching gave me a love for learning. He incorporated his poetry and his artwork and made learning fun. When he past on his his funeral overflowed with former students, colleagues, athletes he coached and more. Each of them went to the podium to testify how Mr. Spells was able to teach them even when they thought they were incapable of learning. They stated that he showed them how to be a man and how to stand up against injustice. One by one they all praised and honored his contributions. I knew at that moment his methods needed to live on. My books are formatted in the exact way he taught us from the kitchen table so many years ago.
Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us what your book is about?
Tia Spells: My books are designed specifically to improve self esteem thereby giving a child the confidence to take risks in learning and bounce back in the event of failure. Children with low self esteem doubt their ability to succeed which makes them hesitant to engage in learning or take necessary academic risks. My books give children the opportunity to learn about the great contributions of phenomenal Black and Hispanic men and women that go unmentioned in the US history curriculum. This kind of education creates a natural respect for all races, creeds, color and origin thereby minimizing discrimination from an organic perspective. All of these things have the ability to make a significant social impact to all those who embrace it.

Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your book, and how will their lives be transformed?
Tia Spells: My Children’s books will not only improve the self esteem of the readers by teaching the rich history that has been kept hidden but it will also ignite critical thinking. Their lives will be changed because these children’s books inspire innovation and set each child’s ambition on a relentless and timeless pursuit to become the absolute best version of themselves.
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