Interview with Educator and Author, Fudia Muhammad

In my interview with educator and author, Fudia Muhammad, she shared with me the story behind her book, Children Of The Most High: Giving Birth To A God & The Science of Child Rearing.
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?
Fudia Muhammad: If you will allow me to first THANK you for giving me the opportunity to reach more readers through your audience. I am so honored!
Nadine Muhammad: You are welcome and thank you so much for taking the time out of you schedule for this interview article to share with our readers the story behind your book. I am honored to share your book with our readers.
Fudia Muhammad: My name is Sister Fudia Muhammad and I am a student and follower of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership and guidance of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I have been a registered member of the Nation of Islam at Muhammad Mosque No. 64 in Austin, Texas since 1995. I am married to Student Minister Robert L. Muhammad and we have been blessed with four wonderful children. Professionally, I am an educator. I have taught at both the elementary and middle school levels, and have served as an elementary school principal. I am a certified reading specialist with a Master’s degree in Education. During my free time, I thoroughly enjoy basketball, traveling, running, and reading.
Nadine Muhammad: What is your motivation for writing your book, Children of The Most High: Giving Birth to a God and The Science of Child Rearing?
Fudia Muhammad: Without question, the sole reason the thought of this book ever took shape is due to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s 5-part lecture series, “How to Give Birth to a God” (1987). Almost immediately, I developed a passion for the science of child rearing after hearing this profound lecture series. The lessons and concepts contained in those lectures left me in awe, wanting to learn more. I am so grateful to Allah (God) for inspiring The Minister’s love and directing his will to study such a powerful subject matter. As a result, he has changed the lives of countless individuals and families for the better; and given me a healthy obsession with all things related to this subject.
Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us what your book is about?
Fudia Muhammad: CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH: Giving Birth to a God & The Science of Child Rearing is based on the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s five-part lecture series, How to Give Birth to a God (1987); as well as one of the training units for the women in the Nation of Islam, How to Rear Their Children. This book boldly declares that Allah (God) would not give parents such a weighty assignment only to have them figure it out on their own. He has in fact shared how to rear our children and how to best live this life. Divine guidance and instructions have come through God's servants, His scriptures, science, and nature. This book covers a wide array of topics within six key sections that center around returning to what is natural:
Preparation Before Conception
During Pregnancy
Labor & Delivery
Breastfeeding is a Must
Rearing the Child of God

Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from reading your book, and how will their lives be transformed?
Fudia Muhammad: The ultimate mission is the spiritual and mental resurrection of our brothers and sisters. That being said, we recognize that strong families are the foundation of a great Nation, and therefore, our focus is on strengthening our families by sharing the science of child rearing. We want readers to benefit from understanding the POWER of women as God’s co-creators, the layered dynamics of pregnancy, and the unlimited benefits of rearing our children in a manner pleasing to Allah (God). We believe that people of all ages, both male and female have a role to play; as well as those who may be past childbearing years. We all have a duty to share with our children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, extended family, friends and community, a new way, so that each generation is stronger than the previous. So, whether you are rearing children, plan to one day become a parent or now have adult children, CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH: Giving Birth To A God & The Science of Child Rearing is for you!
To build your home library with Fudia Muhammad's book use the following link: , Children Of The Most High: Giving Birth To A God & The Science of Child Rearing.