Interview with Khadijah Muhammad, Owner of Dijah Bakes
Photo Credit: Khadijah Muhammad
I had the opportunity to interview the owner of DIJAHBAKES.COM, Khadijah Muhammad. She shared with me her very inspiring story of how she became an organic baker. Her story is an inspiration to anyone who has a goal to become an entrepreneur. She is definitely an example of someone who has found their purpose and is passionate in using their gifts.
Khadijah Muhammad: As Salaam Alaikum! Peace Everybody! My name is Khadijah Muhammad AKA Dijah Bakes out of Tampa Florida. I am a member of the Nation of Islam, Business Owner and an author of the children's book,
Khadijah Muhammad: I am a high school graduate from Tampa Bay Tech high school. My career interests at that time were nursing and helping children. I attended Hillsborough Community College and attended for two years, then soon realized that wasn't truly what I wanted to do. I admired my mother and wanted to follow in her footsteps. I learned that I had to find my own purpose. I worked at call centers but I felt so complacent and unfulfilled. One day my mother invited me to bake a vanilla pound cake with her. I wasn't really interested in being in the kitchen but that day changed my outlook. She taught me and I immediately fell in love with making something out of nothing. I also loved seeing my family enjoying what I created. Baking with my mother helped me bring out a natural gift that I didn't even realize I had. I remembered being in the kitchen with my grandmother and helping her when I was a child. I didn't take baking seriously in the beginning. I just considered it a hobby and side hustle. It was my mom baking cakes for free and I saw the opportunity to make money from it. I would sell cake slices while I worked at the call center. I was known as the cake lady. It went from slices to people ordering whole cakes. I didn't even know I was creating a clientele. I was just a young girl who baked and made extra money on the side using my talent. I soon got fired from my job due to other reasons and that broke me. I was so used to working and financially providing for myself that I went into a depression. I really felt purposeless. Losing my job made me realize I didn't know my real purpose for being. I soon made the irrational decision to move to Atlanta. I packed my car, didn't have anywhere to stay but I knew I wanted to get away from home. I was back and forth from Tampa to Atlanta for about two years. Moving to Atlanta allowed me to see that I could create something for myself. Seeing my brothers and sisters out there making moves inspired me. I worked as a pizza delivery driver, uber driver, and a cleaner while in Atlanta. All those jobs allowed me independence and made me realize that I did not want to work a corporate job again. I still suffered during that time and even wanted to commit suicide because I felt there was no reason for me being here. I asked God to help me find my purpose. I eventually moved back home to Tampa September 2017. I strengthened my relationship with God and fought my depression and suicidal thoughts. When I came back home, I worked for a restaurant part time. I also worked at a cleaning company and soon decided to start my own. I baked cakes on the side and did some network marketing. I still felt all over the place with no real purpose but I had faith that God would help me find it. I continued to work and one day someone dropped a seed in my ear that I should focus on one thing. I decided that baking was the one I loved the most and was naturally great at it. I only knew how to make the pound cake but I wanted to learn how to bake other desserts. I also wanted to bake desserts with the best quality and organic ingredients. I knew that sweets and sugar already are not the best but I wanted to bake with the best and not use harmful ingredients. This was inspired by How to Eat To Live by Elijah Muhammad. Minister Farrakhan was also an inspiration for me to find my purpose and increase my relationship with God. Once I knew how I would stand out and that I can create a business out of my gift, I went to work to make it happen. In 2018, I changed my cleaning business into a baking business. I taught myself different recipes, hosted taste testing events and created a menu for myself.
Photo Credit: Khadijah Muhammad
I shared my journey and what I was doing on social media platforms and gained attraction from all over. In 2020, during the pandemic I created my first website. My website generated more sales than I ever received. It became so overwhelming I knew I had to leave my job. I left my job and worked in my business for two years full time. I bake organic sweets and have shipped all over the United States.
I have taught parents and their children, virtually and in person, how to bake. I have a children's book about my baking experience. I also have a character doll who reflects me as a baker. I never imagined becoming a baker. That one bonding moment with my mother prepared me for my future. I learned my passion is baking but my purpose in life is to help children and specifically young girls by using my testimony and journey to help them find their purpose and be passionate in using their gifts. I soon look forward to opening my own bakery and studio to help others learn how to bake.
Character Doll of Khadijah Muhammad
Photo Credit: Khadijah Muhammad
Nadine Muhammad: Tell us about the products that you offer to your customers.
Khadijah Muhammad: I offer organic desserts with options for vegan, sugar free, and gluten free customers. I bake cakes, brownies, cookies, and pies. All free from soy, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavorings. I also have a children's book titled " Dijah Bakes Her First Cake". Lastly, I provide baking classes. My favorite being mommy & me classes.

Photo Credit: Khadijah Muhammad
Nadine Muhammad: How can we order your products online, follow you on social media, and share with us the value that customers will obtain from using your products?
Khadijah Muhammad: Everything is made with Love, Care, and a Prayer! As a baker who cares about her own health and what she consumes, she also does the same for her community.

Photo Credit: Khadijah Muhammad
Photo Credit: Khadijah Muhammad
Tip: Encourage a youth in your life to become an entrepreneur, and to get them started designing an online business website today for $1, for the first month, use the following link:
Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore Nation's Products and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community, send an email to
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As-Salaam Alaikum!
Sister Mariyam, thanks for visiting our website and reading our interview. Also, thanks for your encouraging words and always being so supportive!
This a beautiful article keep shining Queen