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Interview with Takiyah Muhammad, Author of Proverbs 31 Woman Journal


 Photo Credit: Takiyah Muhammad

In my interview with Takiyah Muhammad, she shared with me the story behind her  Proverbs 31 Woman Journal.

 Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell  our readers about yourself?

Takiyah Muhammad: My name is  Sister Takiyah Muhammad, a devout Muslim, wife to Student Minister Sultan Z. Muhammad of Grand Rapids, MI, Muhammad Mosque No.61, and mother to 2 beautiful children. I co-operate a baking business, Bakery 19, where we offer a luxurious line of Navy Bean Pies in which we are able to expose our people to that divine Navy Bean made in various ways packaged beautifully because our people love beauty! I briefly attended Howard University where I was able to cultivate my love for our people but soon thereafter realized that something was missing and that it was not enough for us to love the color of our skin but to become acquainted with our divinity. As a stay at home mother and helper to The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Allah has blessed me to be creative in finding ways to bring light into the people be it through their stomach with my baking or through their hearts with this personal journal.

 Nadine MuhammadWhat is your motivation for writing your journal?

Takiyah Muhammad: I wanted to make something that attracted the minds of Black women, and in opening the cover they find something more of their divinity from the mouth of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. His words impressed on my heart and mind so deeply that all foolish things had to be put away, and Insha’Allah when women and girls read his words that they too will not be able to look at themselves in the mirror the same, and that they are permanently changed because they know to Whom they belong!

 Nadine Muhammad: Would you tell us what your journal is about?

Takiyah Muhammad: My journal is about the qualities that are laid out in the Book of Proverbs that are outward expressions of the ideal woman that Allah (God)  is pleased with. This journal impresses, weekly and one at a time, those beautiful qualities described in Proverbs with the intention of allowing the words of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's words to guide these characteristics because these characteristics are only a physical bearing of witness that she knows,  who is the Lord of her life,  and who she is striving to please!



 Nadine Muhammad: What are the benefits that readers will obtain from your journal, and how will their lives be transformed?

 Takiyah Muhammad:  I believe young women will walk away from the completion of this journal with a new posture. Because you can’t allow yourself to be mistreated or misused when you know that you are the second self of God and that he fashioned us perfectly after he studied himself. From his desire,  he created us. So who are we to allow that which belongs to God to be trampled over as some silly play thing? We are a serious creation, we don’t even belong to ourselves! So I pray that the takeaway is to re-spect (to look again) at ourselves and to respect the second act of Allah's creation, and not the creation of man.

Please, get a copy of Takiyah Muhammad's, Proverbs 31 Woman Journal, To order, use the following link:

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