Interview with the Owner of Vanguard Beauty, Shaheerah Farrakhan
Photo Credit: Shaheerah Farrakhan
I had the honor of interviewing Shaheerah Farrakhan, owner of Vanguard Beauty, one of my favorite brands that I shop and follow on Instagram. I learned so many tips from watching her live makeup sessions. In our interview, she shared with me her very inspiring story of the creation of her all-natural makeup product line. Also, she talked about being a makeup artist for over 14 years and that she offers consultations, classes, as well as freelance services for events and special occasions.
Nadine Muhammad: Please, would you tell our readers about yourself?
Shaheerah Farrakhan: Where do I begin, my name is Shaheerah Farrakhan and I am a serial creator. My entire life I have been involved in the arts in some form or fashion and the ability to create or be creative has afforded me entrepreneurial opportunities. I have been fortunate to have amazing examples of humility, honesty, bravery and integrity in my family and I strive very hard to live up to the standards my family has set forth for me. I am also a proud wife and mother of 2 beautiful children.
Nadine Muhammad: Share with us the story behind your business: the inspiration for starting, history, mission, and purpose of Vanguard Beauty.
Shaheerah Farrakhan: The story behind Vanguard Beauty; well, I’ve always had a knack for makeup. I was involved in a lot of stage performing even as young as 12 and with being onstage came stage makeup. As I got older the love for the expression of makeup grew and I dived into the theatrical side of my makeup and fx (special effects) think blood and gore and fantasy makeup. From there I traveled and performed across some wonderful stages and each time I was always called upon for my understanding of makeup application. From there, when I took a break from performing, I decided to become a makeup artist and take my knowledge off of the stage. I worked freelance for a while and was also a makeup counter girl. That experience allowed me to not only work with many types of women with varying skin issues and impediments, but it gave me an opportunity to see firsthand how many different types of makeup worked on all those varying faces including my own.
Somewhere along the way my skin was not so kind to me and I began to have severe breakouts and hyperpigmentation so I used all the skills I had learned over the years to put my best face forward to the world even though I was struggling with my skin behind closed doors. In essence that is where Vanguard Beauty came from. The women in my family especially my mother, were always very glamorous and took pride in leaving their homes looking nothing short of their best and I wanted that as well. The products on the market weren’t working well with my skin so with the help of my husband I was able to work with a lab that created products that spoke to my needs.
The fact that our products are vegan, talc free, made from organically derived botanicals and cruelty free was an added bonus for my conscious. I wanted that feeling for every woman. To know that not only do you look good but you could feel good purchasing products with a company that aligned with your morals.
Furthermore, it gave and gives me great pride when I can show women how they can enhance their own natural beauty which is a stark contrast to the way a lot of makeup is applied today. Now understand the draw of wanting the super glam fully made-up face, and don’t get me wrong that is really fun to do. But I liked that I could offer an alternative for the women who just want to feel great and look like themselves. I’ll never tire of seeing how a good makeup application can immediately boost someone’s mood, enhance someone’s confidence, and give a person the strength to keep their head high with a smile on their face. There is real power in feeling good about yourself.
And that is our mission, to give people the confidence to love what they see in their reflection, no matter what issues they have, and to know that luxury doesn’t have to come at a crazy price.
Nadine Muhammad: Tell us about the products and/ or services that you offer to your customers.
Shaheerah Farrakhan: We (Vanguard Beauty) offer a wide range of products. We have a complete line of cosmetics as well as soaps, face masks, serums and moisturizing creams to help you discover your healthiest skin. And there really is something for everyone. Men included. I have also been a makeup artist for over 14 years, and I offer consultations, classes, as well as freelance services for event or special occasions.
(A few of Vanguard Beauty products listed below):
Lipstick, Photo Credit: Vanguard Beauty

Liquid Foundation, Photo Credit: Vanguard Beauty
Nadine Muhammad: How can we order your products online? Share with us the value that customers will obtain from using your products.
Shaheerah Farrakhan: The website to order any of my products is you can follow any of my social media @ShaheerahFarrakhan and follow my makeup page @thevanguardbeauty
The values I believe customers will obtain from using my products is one, using products that are derived naturally, that are beautiful, and helpful to your skin. Two, having a huge variety where there is literally something for everyone. And three supporting a Black owned business that not only cares about the community but will continue to offer the best at relatable prices without reducing our supporters to just a bottom line. I do hope those that haven’t tried Vanguard Beauty will, and those that have will be a testimony for all that are unsure.
Tip 1: Start your small business today by designing an online store. To get started designing your business website for $1, for the first month, use the following link:
Tip 2: Learn about marketing your small business with this book, 1-Page Marketing Plan,, Here is the link to get a copy:
Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore Nation's Products and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community send an email to
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