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A Book Highlighting Fifty Fascinating Facts About The Million Man March

Fascinating Facts About The Million Man March Paperback Book

The Fifty Fascinating Facts About The Million Man March  paperback book is a project of Nadine L. Muhammad, where she researched and provided highlights of the largest march that was ever held in the United States of America. The book provides readers with fifty of the most fascinating facts about the Million Man March that was held on  October 16, 1995,  which was led by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. 

Significant Event

Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad stated the following in his article, Continue to hear Minister Farrakhan, published in The Final Call Newspaper, "The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan publicly stated several times that everything he has done of importance since September 17, 1985, came from the words that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave him on the Wheel." Also stated, "The Million Man March was important; very important. It was among the significant things (or events) that came through Minister Farrakhan, from his teacher when he was on the Wheel" (Muhammad, 2008). 
                       Photo: The Final Call Newspaper

Guidance of God

October 16 was the beginning of a process of healing. The day represented a high point in our development achieved through the guidance of God and the fellowship of men and women, brothers and sisters from many different walks of life. We came with different ideologies, religious beliefs, and political aspirations (Farrakhan, 2020). 





Achievements From The March

Lastly, mentioned by the Honorable Minster Louis Farrakhan (2020) were these uplifting words about what, as a people, we achieved from the march:  "We registered people to vote, and studies found an additional 1.7 million Black men participated in 1996 national elections and decided the outcome of that election. They were motivated and inspired by the Million Man March. Black organizations, churches, mosques, and synagogues increased membership as I asked the men to go home and join an organization involved in our struggle and a house of worship of their choice. I thought for the whole, acted for the whole of our people, and everyone benefitted."

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Farrakhan, L. (2020). Twenty-five years later: reflections on the million man march. The Final Call Newspaper.
Muhammad, J. (2008). Continue to hear Minister Farrakhan. The Final Call Newspaper.

1 comment

  • The Day Of Atonement was one of the GREATEST DAYS OF MY LIFE…NOT ONE HOMICIDES OR VIOLENT ACT….THAT DAY…US PARK POLICE SAID IT WASN’T A MILLION…RIGHT MORE LIKE TWO MILLION OR MORE..the part that bothers me today was the anniversary…nothing menton the news here in DC…WE KNOW WHY…I visited the African American Muesem and I asked years ago when it opened why wasn’t there a suit or something of the Honorable Minister Louis FARRAKHANS? They had no answer. I encourage anyone to visit the museum however it is WATERED DOWN…there is much more to our people than slavery. Feel free to subscribe for free to Ask Dee Fair Common Sense 101/you tube…and watch informative videos..on how to make a complaint against a police officer or avoiding being carjacked…this is not monetized just giving back knowledge…

    Dennis Fair

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