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Nutritional Guidebook Aids in the Prolonging of Our Lives


The Guide to Understanding the Nutritional Value of Fruits and Vegetables


We would all love to prolong our lives as stated by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his book, How To Eat To Live. He writes,  "All men and women want to know how they can prolong their lives. Nature teaches us to stay here in this life as long as we can" (Muhammad, 1967). 

The Guide to Understanding the Nutritional Value of Fruits and Vegetables by Nadine Muhammad is a guide book to help readers understand the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables. This guide also provides the health benefits of various fruits and vegetables that we eat. You will learn the amount of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in various fruits and vegetables.

The nutritional facts were researched from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Data Central website. The Food Data Central is an integrated data system that provides expanded nutrient profile data and links to related agricultural and experimental research. A highlight of the book is where the author researched the health benefits of various fruits and vegetable from  scientists and scholars. This guide provides over thirty  references where the reader can do further research about the benefits of each of the fruits and vegetables mentioned in the book.


The book opens with the following quote from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's book, How To Eat To Live, " Allah (God) in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, has taught me that fasting and the right kind of food are the cures to our ills. He has told me there is no cure in drugs and medicine. And this, the world is now learning. We can take medicine all of our lives until it kills us, but we are still ailing with same old diseases" (Muhammad, 1972). 

This guide book provides nutritional  facts from numerous scholars and scientists that support the wisdom contained in The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's books, How To Eat To Live Book One and Two that the right kind of foods are the cure to our ills.  Readers will come to realize the importance of  the eating of fruits and vegetable as they read the nutritional properties of the list of fruits and vegetables mentioned in the guidebook. 

I would recommend this book for any one who is looking to prolong their lives by eating a diet full of wholesome fruits and vegetables. I would give this book a rating of  ten out of ten.  To get a copy of Nadine Muhammad's  guide book use the following link: 

To get a copy of both  of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's books, How To Eat To Live use the following link:


Muhammad, E. (1972). How To Eat Live. 

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