6 Reasons to Start a Blog?
Reading Time: 5 Minutes
There are many reasons businesses start a blog, but first, what is a blog? See what is a blog below according to Shopify:
What is a blog?
A blog is a website consisting of content, usually focused on a specific topic, that is regularly updated. Unlike news outlets and other publications, blogs tend to take on a personal tone, which helps as a tool for organizations (blog owners) to connect more deeply with their audiences. (Keenan, 2024).
Reasons to Start a Blog
People (and organizations) start blogs for all kinds of reasons, including:
- To share opinions, passions, or glimpses into their lives
- To teach others what they know
- To build an email list
- To develop their personal brand as an expert
- To make money online
- A combination of any or all of the above
For these reasons, blogging can be incredibly fulfilling—especially when complete strangers start consuming your content—but it’s also a commitment.
Whether you publish daily, weekly, or monthly, it’s important to be as consistent as possible, not just in how often you publish but also in the type of content you publish. (Keenan, 2024).
It’s very rare for bloggers to see results from their business or personal blog right away, so to stay motivated in the early stages, you’ll need to keep your eyes on the prize. (Keenan, 2024).
Tip 1: Learn how to use WordPress to create a blog for your business in this course.
Tip 2: Start your small business today by designing an online store. To get started designing your business website for $1 for the first month, use the following link: https://shopify.pxf.io/Vm52oR
Tip 3: Learn about marketing your small business with this book, 1-Page Marketing Plan. Here is the link to get a copy: https://nationsproducts.com/collections/business-books/products/1-page-marketing-plan
Tip 4: Learn the benefits of advertising on social media platforms with my free eBook, The Benefits of Advertising on Social Media Platforms. Use the following link to download your free copy: https://nationsproducts.com/collections/ebooks/products/the-benefits-of-advertising-on-social-media-platforms
Nadine Muhammad has a Master of Science in Economic Development and Entrepreneurship. She is the owner of an online bookstore Nation's Products and NLM Economic Development Services. For a consultation with business plan writing or developing an economic development strategic plan for your community send an email to nlmeconomicdevelopmentservices@gmail.com
Keenan, M. (2024). How to start a blog. https://www.shopify.com/blog/how-to-start-a-blog
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